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The circle of life

I'm born into this world of joy and misery
Where all the things go round in circles
The sense of life it seems to be an unknown mystery
With ups and downs
The good and the bad things

Living, loving
Weeping and mourning
Finally the circle's closing in

The circle of life
Another chance, another try
The circle of life
As moments passing by
The circle of life
Another love, another lie
The circle of life
Will we end in paradise

What will come and what will be
Noone can foresee
Future gives the answers to all questions
Some may choose a simple life
Some decide to die
Some are always searching for the reasons

Living, loving
Weeping and mourning
Finally the final curtain falls

The circle of life
Another chance, another try
The circle of life
As moments passing by
The circle of life
Another love, another lie
The circle of life
Will we end in paradise

Time to spread my wings and learn to fly
I try to leave it all behind
Time to enter up the stage of life
The whole world is mine

I will take the train to anywhere
Go through heaven and through hell
I will make my way and I don't care
If I win or fail

[Lyrics von Freedom Call - The circle of Life]
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Zuletzt bearbeitet am 01.03.2006 16:45


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